10 o’clock List: Top 5 Reading Days Questions

Reading Days/Fall Break has always seemed kind of strange to me. It’s kind of supposed to be for studying and preparing for midterms, but it’s kind of supposed to be a relaxing break, and it’s kind of worth leaving campus, but then again it’s kind of not. But I’m not the only one who’s confused. Here are the top 5 questions we suspect first years have about their first Reading Days.

5. Do I get extra credit if I show up for class on Friday anyway?

4. Why did I wake up in the KAC? On the Rosse stage? In Cromwell Cottage?

3. Wouldn’t it make more sense for The Thrill‘s 10 o’clock lists to have 10 items instead of five? What would I do without The Thrill‘s Guide to Reading Days?!

2. Does Reading Days mean I can get drunk in the library?

1. Who’s going to buy me booze if all my upperclassmen friends go home?

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