Is That A Poem In Your Pocket, Or Are You Just Happy To See Me?

Just be happy I didn't Photoshop penises onto here.

Just be happy I didn’t Photoshop penises onto here.

Today Middle Path is quirkily lined with poetry from some of the greatest wordsmiths of all time. Shakespeare! Keats! Eliot! But you know what all poetry is really about? Phalluses. Freud was right — we are always thinking about genitals, and poets have had a unique relationship with the nether regions of human beings. Being that today is such a special day amongst the verse-writing-and-reading community, it seems inappropriate that just any poem would land in your pocket. So here we go — The Thrill‘s list of poems that truly belong in your pocket, soft paper that’s just a few thin layers of cloth away from what they’re really about.

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Imagining Latin Language Table

"Friends, Romans, countrymen... I am really sick of the sweet potato fries. Can't we get steak fries again?"

“Friends, Romans, countrymen… I am really sick of the sweet potato fries. Can’t we get steak fries again?”

This post was co-written by Claire Berman ’16 and Natasha Preston ’17.

Language tables can be the worst thing about taking an Intensive Introduction to Language class here at Kenyon. An hour of awkward small talk with your classmates and professor, where you can only really talk about the weather (but only so long as it’s raining or snowing–you forgot all the other vocabulary), colors, or how many animals are metaphorically in a location. It seems sort of unfair that Latin shouldn’t have to have the same awkward experience. We think it would go something like this…

12:01: One overeager student, Lucius, arrives to the table. Is disappointed that he is the only one there. Begins translating lines of Virgil for fun and pleasure.

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