The Friday Ketchup


It’s the last day before Spring Break. That’s right, soon you’ll be sitting at home or at a beach or somewhere else relaxing and enjoying your downtime, forgetting about everything at Kenyon, including all that work that your professors assigned over break. That’s right, you won’t be reading that 300-page book for your English class, or that dense 50-page article for Political Science, and you definitely won’t be writing that paper due a few days after you get back from break. I mean, why would you? It’s not like once you get back it will all come crashing down on you like a pile of bricks, crushing your very soul along with your GPA. I’m sure it will be fine. Enjoy your break. You earned it. It’s The Friday Ketchup
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Weekend Drink: Spring Break Storm

Ok, mom and dad? OK? Via

Spring break is upon us, and though it’s not set to break 30 degrees today, there’s no reason to delay a little spring-inspired boozing. Maybe you’ll drink yourself, not just a coat this time, but a whole new season. Who knows? If your glass is half full of this drink, you’ll be a bit more optimistic about the end of winter. Plus, you probably need to get rid of all that alcohol left in your fridge. Continue reading

Weekend Playlist: Spring Breakers

Spring break forever!

Spring break forever!

It’s the American dream y’all. Spring Breaaak. NETFLIX AND BIG SWEATPANTS Y’ALL THAT’S WHAT LIFE IS ABOUT! Whether you’re going home or going on an adventure to another planet on your spaceship bed, it’s time to celebrate with the perfect movie Spring Breakers. So get your tanning oil, lay out by the pool, and stop acting ‘spicious!

Big Bank– Rick Ross, Pill, Meek Mill, Torch & French Montana 

For when you decide to go rob your pantry of all the Pop-Tarts. Just act like you’re in a movie or something.

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10 o’clock list: 5 Things to Expect From Your Spring Break At Home

Let the vicarious living begin. (via

Ah, yes, it’s about that time. All of the key elements that are necessary to unlock before spring break can truly begin are all coming together — your January idealism has faded into a February acceptance as far as your failure to plan a trip with your friends. You’ve saved up enough assignments due on Friday to keep you busy on the plane/car ride home and, once again, you ran out of time to do your laundry, so your stale sheets and moldy towels will be pungent and ready to greet you upon your return to the Hill! Now that these are all kind of taken care of, you can sit back and enjoy your two weeks of asylum from the terrors of a liberal arts education. But first, here’s a forecast of some experiences that are likely to pop up during your time away–especially if you’re spending all of it at home:

1. Unsuccessful attempt to engage with the community. Whether it’s accompanying your mom to her weekly artisanal lightbulb making class at the town rec center or being forced to chat with the other adult supervisors at your little brother’s tumbling-themed birthday party, you’re gonna have at least a minimal amount of interaction with the locals, and most of it is probably gonna be cringeworthy. Might as well try to have fun with it, and possibly scrounge for some sort of social capital – I heard that they have summer job openings at the gymnastics place.

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10 o’clock list: Things Kenyon People Don’t Do Over Spring Break

Not pictured: Kenyon junior desperately trying to find an internship

The college spring break has obtained a near-mythical status in the collective American conscious. Ask anyone what images the words conjure up, and you’re likely to get descriptions of debauchery that would terrify the poor parents of the vacationing students. There have been numerous movies on the subject, most recently Spring Breakers. As (in)famous as the college spring break is however, Kenyon students seem to do very little with their own, which is especially surprising considering they have two weeks off instead of the one most schools have. So, here are a few things Kenyon students are missing out by not doing a more “traditional” spring break.

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