Kenyon Kritters: Adorable Baby Animals

Kenyon Kritters: Adorable Baby Animals

Warning: The following is semi-educational and not intended for the faint of liver. Cuteness overload ahead.

Salutations, hairless hominids!

It’s officially springtime, and the Early Bird is here to sing the bountiful praises of mother nature in all her muddy glory.

Ah, spring. The promise of rain. Of lots of rain. Of sunshine. Intermittently. Of flowers blooming and brooks burbling and warm breezes blowing. And perhaps most famously and hackneyed of all of spring’s glad tidings: the promise of new life. New life in your fingers flying across the keyboard as you bang out that essay you had all of break to finish. New spring in your steps as you dash from Peirce to Ascension before the skies break out in a torrential downpour. And of course, everyone’s favorite: fuzzy adorable baby animals! So innocent, so pure, so awww-some. That’s right, while you were cocooning in your winter comforters dreading the day when you’d be forced to emerge into the blinding sunlight and return to 8 am classes, nature was getting busy spawning some precious new arrivals, and it’s high time you were introduced.

I give you… the adorable aquatic macro-invertebabies.

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