An Hour Away: Mahall’s


Late last year, a group of friends and I decided to go to an eskimeaux / Frankie Cosmos show in Cleveland. Little did we know that the venue was a bowling alley/thrift store/coffee shop with a performance hall in the back. It was a location like no other, and I can’t recommend it enough.  Continue reading

A Notice from the Health Center

For those of you who filter out/never read [Student-Info] emails, the following was sent to the community by Kim Cullers, the Director of the Health Center:

Today the CDC issued an advisory for passengers who have recently traveled on Frontier Airlines…

— CDC and Frontier Airlines Announce Passenger Notification Underway


On the morning of Oct. 14, the second healthcare worker reported to the hospital with a low-grade fever and was isolated. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention confirms that the second healthcare worker who tested positive last night for Ebola traveled by air Oct. 13, the day before she reported symptoms.

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Reading Days Travel Guide: Cleveland

Today’s travel guide was written by Paul Hoehn ’14 for last year’s Reading Days. It was just so super we had to bring it back. 

You may know it as the “mistake on the lake,” but the real mistake would be not visiting Cleveland sometime during your four years at Kenyon.  Sure, It’s become known for its struggling economy and that time the Cuyahoga River caught on fire (come on people, that was like forty years ago!), but Cleveland has a lot to offer.  It’s only an hour farther away than Columbus and certainly worth the cost of the extra gas.  Reading days provides the perfect opportunity for you to branch out from your usual Columbus/Easton day trips and explore this glistening metropolis to our north.

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The Thrill’s Guide to Reading Days

Hey first years (and any other Reading-Days N00bs)! Are you staying on campus for what the administration has decided to call “October Break”?  You’re about to have the greatest four days of your college career.  Here’s our guide to how to make the most of your Reading Days.

Courtesy of Katie Rumizen '14, Reading Days on the Kokosing 2010

The Basics:
Number of students on campus: Approximately 500
Only day parties can be registered: Saturday
Days parties will happen: Every single one, maybe even Sunday
Amount of work you will get done: Less than you expect (a professor reportedly once called them “Fall Behind Days”)

So this reading days you could…

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