This is How You Subscribe to Allstu: Part II

This post was originally published last year, but is being reposted to assist any first years still unsure about how allstu works. 

Now that you know how to get allstus directly to your Kenyon Mail inbox, here’s a guide on how to get them out. Below the jump is an illustrated step-by-step tutorial on how to use Google mail filters. These magic filters make it possible to read all 23 responses to “Wanted: mahogany finger box” within your Kenyon mail, but also not have them clutter your inbox. Filters 4ever!

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This is How You Subscribe to Allstu: Part II

Now that you know how to get allstus directly to your Kenyon Mail inbox, here’s a guide on how to get them out. Below the jump is an illustrated step-by-step tutorial on how to use Google mail filters. These magic filters make it possible to read all 23 responses to “Wanted: mahogany finger box” within your Kenyon mail, but also not have them clutter your inbox. Filters 4ever!

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This is How You Subscribe to Allstu

Close, but no cigar.

In the last 24 hours, my inbox has been flooded with, oh, I don’t know, 500 allstus from first years with the subject line “Subscribe” or “subscribe” or sometimes the emphatic “SUBSCRIBE.” In fact, as I drafted this post, I got another two “subscribe” emails. The madness must stop. For the sake of the first year class, and my own sanity, here is how you properly subscribe to allstu.

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